How To Improve Your Typing Speed With A Mechanical Keyboard

Ahh, typing speed. We've all been there. You're in the middle of an important email, or maybe even a boss-level gaming mission, and suddenly you realize that your typing speed is about as fast as a snail on a leisurely stroll. Fear not, my friends! I am here to provide you with some essential tips and tricks to increase your typing speed, and take you from snail to speedy Gonzales in no time.


Tip 1: Positioning is everything

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of actual typing techniques, we need to start with the basics. And by basics, I mean your positioning. Make sure your keyboard is centered in front of you, and your arms are at a comfortable 90-degree angle. Your fingertips should be resting lightly on the keys, not too heavy, not too light!

Positioning is everything

Tip 2: Exercise those fingers

Believe it or not, your fingers are actually muscles that need to be exercised, just like any other muscles in your body. You can do simple finger exercises like tapping your fingers on the table, or maybe invest in a finger strengthener. Seriously, they exist.

Exercise those fingers

Tip 3: The power of muscle memory

The more you practice typing, the more your brain gets used to it. It's called muscle memory, and it's a powerful thing. Try typing exercises, like typing speed tests. My personal favorite is, where you can take free typing speed tests and track your progress over time.

The power of muscle memory

Tip 4: Don't look down!

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it's surprising how often we tend to look down at our keyboards while typing. Keep your eyes on the screen! Not only will this increase your typing speed, but it will also save you from neck strain in the long run.

Don't look down!

Tip 5: The importance of posture

Posture is key when it comes to typing speed. Make sure you're sitting up straight, with your feet flat on the ground. This will not only make you feel more alert and focused, but it will also help prevent any long term pain or injury.

The importance of posture


So there you have it, folks. 5 essential tips and tricks to help you increase your typing speed in no time. Remember to practice, exercise those fingers, and always keep your eyes on the prize. And by prize, I mean your super speedy typing skills. Happy typing!